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PDF Title: A Monster Calls
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: Patrick Ness
Publication Date: May 5, 2011
Genre: Fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Yes
Movie Release Dates: 6th January 2017

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A dark, eerie yet funny and touching novel by Patrick Ness who spun the story from the award-winning, Siobhan Dowd. Who was unable to write it herself due to her falling terminally ill with cancer.

13-year-old Conor has nightmares every night. Actually, it’s the reoccurring nightmare which once again wakes him from slumber. But at seven minutes past midnight, a voice calls out to him from the yard below. He looks out the window and meets a Monster, a mass of branches and leaves in a humanoid shape. The Monster is not what he dreamed, it wasn’t as scary. The Monster claimed it was summoned by Conor and insists on helping him. By telling Conor three stories and in the end Conor can tell the Monster his story.


So, they continued to meet at (12:07) and the Monster proceeds to tell Conor his stories. Through these stories, we learn a lot about our protagonist, Conor and the difficulties his life exhibited. As these stories are told at (12:07) every night his mother’s condition gradually worsens. Also, each meeting with the Monster causes some interesting events to occur in Conor’s life.

Finally, he gets to tell his story and confronts his own feelings, the Monster then revealed its purpose is to comfort Conor and to help him heal. By helping him transition and cope after his Mom’s death – which is at 12:07 in the hospital.



The recommended age for A Monster Calls is 12-17 years old. But can I at 25 – 50 read and enjoy it?

Reviews from Goodreads

 Mary Kay

 This book may be targeted for the young adult but the writing is good and the story is excellent. I have found some of my favorite reads in the young adult area. Good writing is ageless.


I am 38 and have read it last night and was moved to tears 😉


I’m 40, have just read it and it destroyed me. No age limits on something this perfect.


Download is available from Amazon for A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. [PDF], Epub and Audiobooks versions of this creation are available from Amazon.

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A Monster Calls: A Novel

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