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PDF Title: Wonder
Book File Type: PDF Download / Read Online
PDF Author: R. J. Palacio
Publication Date: February 14, 2012
Genre: Children’s literature, Non Fiction
Audiobook : Yes
PDF Language: English
Adaptation: Yes
Movie Release Dates: 17 November 2017


Brief Introduction

Growing up is tough. One of the toughest days in our lives is arguably the first day of school. Try to remember that day; when you were young, naive, maybe nervous, with little idea of what was going on. You are leaving the safe and familiar arms of your parents and family, as you begin your life in a world of strangers. Some miss their parents so greatly, that they spend their entire first day crying. Others struggle far beyond the first day, actually having a tough time all their years spent at school. These are claims made by “regular” kids who were born without deformations or disabilities. Wonder offers the reader a quick peek into the life of a young boy, born with a psychical deformation. Showcasing the events involved in his life, not only through his eyes but also through the eyes of those close to him.


Wonder Book PDF Plot

The story focuses on the life of a young 10-year-old boy by the name of August Pullman. August, nickname Auggie is a young New York native. He was born with a facial deformity, which brings its own challenges to the young boy’s life.

Auggie grew up in a home with his parents, older sister Via and his loyal dog Daisy. Throughout his life, he has become familiar with the strange looks and strong reactions, people give him due to his condition. As a result, he is forced to cope with such looks and reactions though he understandably still doesn’t like experiencing them. As a means of protecting him, Auggie’s parents chose to homeschool the lad for his initial years. This was done until Auggie’s lessons reached around the fifth grade level in the school system. At this point, his parents decided it was time for him to be educated at a real school.

Thus, Auggie was enrolled in a neighborhood private school by the name of Beecher Prep. During his enrollment, Auggie meets Mr.Tushman, the principal of the school. While he’s there young Auggie also receives a tour of the school, by other children who will also be in his grade. He meets Jack, Julian, Will, and Charlotte, who also happen to be Auggie’s future classmates. During the tour, Julian shows himself to be less than friendly as a guide and is quite rude to young Auggie. While Julian is confronted by the other guides for his behavior, the other children treat August well.

The story continues to depict August’s first day at school where he has taken his seat at the very back of the classroom. All the children except for Jack, take a seat away from August. August really appreciates the gesture made by Jack begins to see him as a friend. As classes go by August is asked to introduce himself while Julian takes the opportunity to continue to pester him. He recognizes Julian’s attempts to annoy him, which he less than appreciates.

At lunchtime, August chooses to sit at a table by himself. He is pleasantly surprised when Summer, a young girl joins him for lunch at the table. This proves to be the highlight of Auggie’s tough first day at school, as he eats lunch with his new friend.

Skipping ahead a couple weeks, Auggie’s favorite day of the year comes around which is Halloween. This is because he gets to wear a mask and disguise himself. He lets the children in the class know which character he plans to dress up as for Halloween. However, due to difficulties with the costume August is forced to go dressed as another character. He recognizes Julian through his costume and notices that Julian and his friends are waiting by the classroom to bully him when he comes near them. They, fortunately, don’t recognize him due to the different costume he’s wearing and as a result, he overhears a conversation Jack has with Julian. This conversation devastates Auggie and leaves him very upset.

The story goes on to take a look through these and other events, through the eyes of various characters within the story. Which gives the reader, a deeper insight into not only the life of Auggie but the nature of the lives of those around him. How their lives are impacted by his.

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